Would I give a shout-out to an awesome Fellow Dasher?
Sat,11:01 am. I met my fellow Dasher, Row, for the first time that Saturday as I was about to leave the house for my first Dashing of the day. She was delivering a food order for a family member at my house. I greeted her and she asked me if I am a Filipina. I said yes, half and half. Filipina-Indonesian. She was actually on a Dash schedule herself but she Pause-Dash so we can chit-chat a bit. I can tell right away that she is a Filipina too. I asked her about her experience as a Dasher in a delivery region where I am too. She has been doing this Dashing for a few years and it's her full-time job. And from the look on her face, Row enjoys Dashing. She is also a Top Dasher. For many months, I heard about Top Dasher but I was not tempted, yet. Until she mentioned it. I'm intrigued now. (Anyway, I'll write about this Top Dasher story in another post.)
Unlike Row, Dashing is not my full-time job but a part-time gig because I have my full-time dream that I want to fulfill. I only do Dashing about 6 hours a day but I divided it into two parts. Afternoon lunch and evening dinner. While Row will do Dashing about 8 hours or more in a day, depending on how much payout she is aiming for. Before Row continued with her Dashing, she told me to text or call her when I need to ask her for some more Dash tips n tricks. So nice of her. I also shared with her my experiences. Learning is a two-way street, right?
So, would I give a shout out to a Fellow Dasher? Yes, I would.
#awesomeness #filipina #indonesia #tipsntricks #enjoyed #dashing #topdasher #fulltimejob #gigjob #learning #is #a #two #way #street #doordash
