Do I as a Dasher wear makeup to work?
Wed,12:28 pm. I was sitting in my car before going on a Dash. Makeupless. For blogging purposes. I'm videotaping myself on the content of wearing makeup to work. Even though, as many people think, I'm "only" a food delivery driver, just a Dasher, I do wear makeup. I chose a simple natural look just enough to make me look fresh, presentable, and professional. A dash of blush, mascara, and lipstick helps me achieve that. Those three makeup items are my no-go item. Items that will always be in my makeup bag. I used to have my eyebrow liner (I don't have a thick eyebrow) in my no-go-item too but since I tattoo my eyebrow, it was one of the most liberating moves I've ever done in my life! Honestly. :) I wear makeup and present myself as modest and professional because I respect myself and I respect my customer. I am an independent contractor. I am my boss. I represent myself, my business, and the platform that I use. My image is what I present, not just the food I delivered. And so, I appreciate and thank my customer, and the platform, for the business, for the tips (and no tips), and God's blessings with good appearance and good countenance. Oh, I also bring with me a dash of smile! :)
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