Sun, 6:37 pm. Although it's still bright outside the sun will set soon. In the Wintertime, the dark of night is quicker than in Summer.
What is it with a Dasher and her Cadbury fruit & nut?
I'm about ready to open one of the chocolate for snacking. My bae bought these 3 chocolate fruit & nut for me for snacking. Eating chocolate is part of my regimen when at home while watching tv or working on my blog. But I will also eat it in the car while Dashing. Although, driving and eating chocolate is a challenge because it melts so quickly but I don't mind. LOL! I am a chocolate lover ever since I can remember. But always with fruit & nut or nuts. Back home, I would snack on Silverqueen chocolate. When I was still flying, I took my boys with me on my 3 days layover in L.A. We stopped by this big Asian Market and we saw Silverqueen on the shelf. My son said, hey mom, look, your chocolate! Yep. I bought several. So, I'm a Sunny Girl as I am a Chocolate Girl.