Do Dashers still work at 50+?
Wed, 11:02 pm. From my first-hand experience, here in America, people can work regardless of age. Including me. Regardless of skin color, background, race, tribe, or religion, you name it. If you are productive and willing to work, you will get a job and you will be in the working force.
First round, I never thought that I would work a full-time job at the age of 50 as a flight attendant here in America. It was the end of 2016 when I graduated as a flight attendant for the largest airline in the world, American Airlines. That was beyond my wildest dream and something that would not have happened to women in Indonesia my home country. But here in America, my adopted country, it's another story. They have Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) law to protect job applicants. It maintains equal accessibility of the chances for employment through merit. And so, women in America can strive at work, in any position, with no discrimination and age is not a limit. One amongst many is me! An immigrant turned US citizen.
Second round, fast forward three years later, I was on a furloughed flight attendant and I did a gig job as a food delivery driver with three platforms. And three years later, I signed up with DoorDash as Dasher. At 56. How blessed. To be in a country where I can still be productive without worrying about age, gender, background, disability, and discrimination.
Note: If you're a Dasher, what age did you first become a Dasher?
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