Who says Dashing on a late afternoon is no fun?
Thu, 6:11 pm. I was driving on the way to a Diner's place with their food order hygienically and warmly tucked inside my red insulated bag when I realized that the sun is setting. That means the darkness will come not far behind. But on the opposite, the sky was brightly lit with a blazing fire. I see yellow gold orange blue pink right in front of my eyes. So spectacular. The picture I took right at the red light stop sign, didn't do justice! As a Dasher, I go out Dashing in Lunch time and Dinner time (or late afternoons to about 8-8:30 night). Those are the rush hour times for Dasher. In the Dash App, Dashers can see the delivery region turned red color with a "busy" or "very busy" sign on it. So, Dashing on a late afternoon is mostly fun because I may get more offers than the in-between Dash time, plus the streets are beginning to be less hectic, with less traffic, and the heat of the daylight is going down.
#sun #setting #lateafternoon #spectacular #sunset #camera #did #not #do #justice #lunch #dinner #rushhour #busy