Hey Dashers, how do you feel after you completed your first day of work, of Dashing?
Sat, 5:53 pm. I feel exhausted on my first day of Dashing. Because I was nervous. Why is that? Well, I only knew the familiar areas and streets that I drove by or places I've been to. When I heard the ding-ding sound of an offer on my phone that first day I Dash, I clicked accept. It was a single offer for a $5 food order pickup with an 8 miles distance. (Later on, when I learned my tips n tricks of Dashing and complying with my business strategy, I would not necessarily accept a $5 offer for an 8 or above miles distance.) So yeah, I took the wrong turn on the highway and had to make a long loop to get back to the highway again to get to the right turn. I feel like the drive to this customer was so far out. I thought I was going to get lost for real. I eventually found the house and delivered the food order. After that, I clicked End Dash and drove straight home. I stopped after only one Dash! I LOL!
I told myself, how can I be so rookie? This food delivery driving was not my first time. Three years ago I was doing the same gig job with three platforms. The next day, I told myself to go out and Dash. I prepared myself with some knowledge I got from my bae about my delivery region and whatnot. He is familiar with this area. After a week or so of Dashing, I got the feeling. It feels so liberating! I indeed survived Dashing!
#first #days #of #work #exhausted #nervous #silly #mistakes #not #arookie #not #my #first #gig #job #liberating #gotthefeeling #doordash #dashers